Our teeth play an important role in our daily lives and we need to make sure we protect them. At Elegance Dental in Southington, CT, we believe defense against tooth decay is vital! Our extremely experienced dentist will discuss with you whether dental sealants are the perfect choice for your teeth.
What are dental sealants?
Sealants are as simple as the name suggests. They are a protective coating that covers the chewing surface of your tooth to prevent bacteria from causing decay. Pre-molars and molar teeth, located in the back of the mouth, have many pits and crevices on the surface. The location of these cracks can make it difficult to keep your teeth clean and cavity free, especially during the pre-adolescent and teenage years. A sealant helps protect against decay on these teeth by filling in the cracks and providing a protective shield that bacteria and food cannot penetrate.
How are dental sealants applied?
The procedure for applying dental sealants is quite simple. Sealants are a thin plastic varnish coating that is applied to the top of your back teeth to protect them from decay. These grooves are great “hiding places” for bacteria to accumulate and cause damage. Applying dental sealants eliminates these “hiding places.” First, the doctor at Elegance Dental will begin the process by carefully cleaning your teeth. Next, the surface of the tooth is sanded for the sealant to stick. Each tooth is then rinsed and left to dry completely. A composite sealant is then painted directly onto the tooth and allowed to harden with the help of a curing light.
Who should have sealants placed?
At Elegance Dental, we encourage all of our patients to have their back teeth properly sealed. Sealants prevent decay that starts in the back teeth, and if kept properly sealed, will virtually eliminate the risk of tooth decay. In children, dental sealants should be applied after their first molars erupt around the age of six, with the second molars following at the age of 12. Once applied, a sealant can last five to 10 years with regular check-ups.
If you’re prone to cavities in your back teeth, maybe it’s time to consider dental sealants. Call our office at Elegance Dental in Southington, CT at (860) 965-5995 for an appointment!